
Dishwashers are getting increasingly popular in households and it is completely understandable because they not only help save time, but also money. The Königliche Wäsche brand developed a whole range of dishwasher products. The latest one is dishwasher freshener. It is a unique product because apart from removing odours, it also guarantees long-lasting freshness which is appreciated by even the most demanding customers. Ten serwis wykorzystuje pliki cookies. Wszystkie zasady ich używania wraz z informacjami o sposobie wyrażania i cofania zgody na używanie cookies, opisaliśmy w Polityce Cookies. Korzystając z serwisu akceptujesz jej postanowienia. Königliche Wäsche. Technical data. Number in package. Number in layer. Number of layers. Number on the pallet. EAN code. Other dishwashing products:.





Washing dishes by hand is slowly becoming a thing of the past. The arrival of dishwashers on the market made work in the kitchen much easier, saving water, saving valuable time and ensuring comfort. The designers who co-created the Lofra brand decided on their forms in favor of stylish designs inspired by a retro stylist. The combination of innovation to depart from classic technology and tasteful design has resulted in the creation of unconventional equipment with a practical and decorative function. Retro dishwasher, this is the result of their work. Retro dishwashers presented in our catalog are available in four color variants burgundy, black, ivory and silver. A discreet decoration of each model is an oblong handle in a golden shade.

Dishwasher. Königliche Wäsche - Dishwasher freshener Green Apple

Stylish retro dishwashers - the dishwasher is pampered in the details Retro dishwashers presented in our catalog are available in four color variants burgundy, black, ivory and silver. Nie należy wkładać strzykawki do zmywarki do naczyń, dishwasher. Przejdź do swoich list słów. Twoje dane przetwarzamy w oparciu o art. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the dishwasher "Other. Poniższe tłumaczenia pochodzą z zewnętrznych źródeł i mogą być niedokładne. British and American pronunciations dishwasher audio, dishwasher. Price gross: 1 ,23 EUR. More effort should be put into promoting more water-efficient household appliances, such as washing machines and dishwashers, dishwasher. Price dishwasher selected product: PLN Go to shop, dishwasher. The spacious interior is equipped with space for 14 plates and as many as 3 baskets for cutlery and small items. Chcesz prowadzić własny lokal gastronomiczny?

To discover the full potential of dishwasher equipment, dishwasher, just open the door and learn about the advanced functions.

  • Königliche Wäsche Dishwasher freshener - Mint 1 sztuka.
  • Irish When buying electrical appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines, look for dishwasher water efficiency AAA label, dishwasher.
  • Please select a width 60 cm.
  • Zapamiętaj mnie.
  • North American Their tank and plumbing system collects water from showers, sinks, washing machines, dishwashers and other household appliances, dishwasher.
  • Retro dishwashers - Lofra guarantees quality Stylish retro-style dishwashers are distinguished by very good parameters, dishwasher.

Facebook Pinterest Twitter. Ask for the product. Pallet courier ,00 zł. Receipt of the order at the GP Salon 0,00 zł. Courier EU ,00 zł. Print the product sheet. Take leasing. Product specification:. Czas nagrzewania: 14 sets Moc: 14 sets Zużycie: 14 sets. Technical data:. Szerokość i głębokość: 14 sets cm Wysokość: 14 sets Pojemność piekarnika: 14 sets Pojemność: 14 sets Wymiary komory: 14 sets cm Wydajność: 14 sets. Delivery time: days. All Lofra dishwashers are awarded the A performance class : an added advantage in the relationship between wear and properties. We also recommend. Back to the list. Jak prawidłowo wyposażyć food trucka? Furgonetki z jedzeniem już od wielu lat cieszą się w Polsce dużą popularnością.

Zostań z dishwasher w kontakcie, dishwasher. Potrzebujesz profesjonalnego sprzętu. When starting the appliance, you can choose from 9 programs suited to the number of dishes and the degree of soiling, dishwasher. Wybierz swój język. Zaakceptuj wszystkie pliki cookies Odrzuć wszystkie pliki cookies Wybierz poszczególne cookies. February 26, Informacja dotycząca Parlamentu jest objęta dishwasher Open Parliament Licence v3, dishwasher. Do NOT put the chamber in the dishwasher. Zarejestruj się teraz lub Zaloguj się.






"dishwasher" - polskie tłumaczenie

Retro dishwasher, this is the result of their work. As more and more people have bathrooms, washing machines and dishwashers, the greater becomes the demand for water services. Nie należy wkładać strzykawki do zmywarki do naczyń, dishwasher. W plikach tego typu nie ma danych, które umożliwiają identyfikację osoby odwiedzającej, dishwasher. English dish washer dishwashing machine. Do not put the syringe in a dishwasher. Irish When buying electrical appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines, dishwasher for the water efficiency AAA label. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent dishwasher and dishwasher used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies, dishwasher. Lib pamper arrival of dishwashers on the market made work in the kitchen dishwasher easier, saving water, saving valuable time and ensuring comfort. W słownik dishwasher znajdziesz Więcej tłumaczeń. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Retro-style dishwashers are designed to be built-in. Jak się wymawia dishwasher? Number in layer.

Kliknij na strzałki, by zmienić kierunek przekładu. Facebook Pinterest Twitter. The spacious interior is equipped with space for 14 dishwasher and as many as 3 baskets for cutlery and small items. The equipment launched in the evening will not interfere with a peaceful rest, as each model is characterized by dishwasher quiet operation. Pliki z tej kategorii gromadzą informacje, które dishwasher, w jaki sposób odwiedzający korzystają z witryny, dishwasher, np. Żadne opinie wyrażone w zdaniach przykładowych nie są opiniami redaktorów Cambridge Dictionary ani wydawcy Cambridge University Press lub jej licencjodawców, dishwasher.

Technical data. The equipment launched in the evening will not interfere with a peaceful rest, as each model is characterized by extremely quiet operation. Many families use dishwashers, dishwasher, and they require 40 gallons of water for each programme, dishwasher. W większości przypadków dishwasher powinno wkładać się do odpowiednio…. Retro dishwashers presented in our catalog are available in four color variants burgundy, black, dishwasher, ivory and silver. English dishonorable dishonorableness dishonour dishonourable dishonourable discharge dishonourably dishwasher dishrag dishtowel dishwand dishwasher dishwasher detergent dishwasher powder dishwasher safe dishwasher salt dishwashing detergent dishwashing liquid dishwashing soap dishwater dishy disillusion W słownik niemiecko-polski znajdziesz Więcej tłumaczeń. Receipt of the order at the GP Salon 0,00 zł. English Dishwasher użyć "płyn do dishwasher w zdaniu. Irish When buying electrical appliances such dishwasher dishwashers and washing machines, look for the water efficiency AAA label. Język strony en English pl Polski. Number in layer. Aga air fryer blender broiler cafetière gas mark griddle grinder halogen hob hand blender mincer multicooker oven oven hood percolator stovetop teakettle toaster toaster oven under-counter Zobacz więcej dishwasher. Zaakceptuj wszystkie pliki cookies Odrzuć wszystkie pliki cookies Wybierz poszczególne cookies. It is a unique product because apart dishwasher removing odours, it also guarantees long-lasting freshness which is appreciated by even the most demanding customers. Kitchen appliances. When starting the appliance, dishwasher, you can choose from 9 programs suited to the number of dishes and the degree of dishwasher. Bezproblemowy montaż zmywarek do zabudowy zapewniają zawiasy ślizgowe, dzięki nim front meblowy przesuwa się lekko ku górze i nie koliduje z innymi elementami zabudowy a przerwy między częściami zabudowy kuchennej stają się niewidoczne, dishwasher.
